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Puppy Trans4mation Level 1 Online


*You have 3 months to complete this online course. After 3 months, the link to each online class will not be viewable. *Price can change without notice Our 7-week program gets you and your puppy started off on the right paw! This class is for puppies 8 to 24 weeks old. Taking both levels will help your pup grow and change by leaps and bounds. While he/she is doing so, this class will teach you how to work most effectively with him/her to enhance their skills. Puppy Trans4mation Level 1 The Start to Engagement and Impulse Control Your puppy will learn basics such as their name, sit, down, come, and a host of other cues. How does this work? Each week you will receive a video with two new behaviors for your pup to work on. All of our classes use positive reinforcement to encourage the development of desirable skills. We use these methods so that you and your dog have fun learning.


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